2024 Conference Downloads

A Social Workers View on Helping Individuals Return to Work following Extended Medical Leave.

Managing a whole while doing our part Apr 2024 RTW conference

RTW E-Brochure Wellness a Whole-istic Approach to RTW

2023 Conference Downloads



Helping Clients with mental health - Kale Lutomsky

Perspectives - Burton Abbott

Physical Assessments - Adam Trimble


Downloads from Conference

Case Study 1

Case Study 2


RTW E-Brochure Whats in your tool kit


2020 Conference Downloads

Paul Krismer preview video https://youtu.be/ogC9ml66McY

2019 Conference Downloads

2019 RTW Presentation (Slides)

Manage the Messy

Manage the Messy 2

Listening Stumbling Blocks

RTW Presentation Slides on PTSD (Podnar, Black an White version)

RTW Presentation Slides on PTSD (Podnar, Colour version)


2018 Conference Downloads

WBC On-Line Investigations and Last Chance Agreements

2017 Conference Downloads

Barbre Egonomics Stretching Poster (click to download)

Use of the Barbre Ergonomics Stretching Poster
 The Barbre Ergonomics Stretching Poster is free and available for use by individuals and organizations at their own risk. The stretches were designed by experts and are intended to be safe for healthy individuals to perform when following all instructions included on both sides or pages of the poster. By downloading this poster, you agree to hold Barbre Ergonomics harmless for any misuse or problem that may arise in association with the stretching poster.