This one-day conference will provide current information and resources to assist you in working through challenging issues in disability management.
Moncia Heinrichs will get the day started with comments on industry trends. Next, Dr. Burron will talk about how to effectively communicate with physicians to get the information you need in a timely manner. Following our morning break
Dr. Nagpal will talk about exploring somatoform disorders using a bio-psycho-social-spiritual lens. Wrapping up the morning, Anne McGregor will talk about how Vocational Rehabilitation services can support clients with somatoform disorders in their return to work and how integrating Positive Psychology tools and interventions, can influence clients and encourage returning to meaningful employment.

After a delicious lunch and some networking with our trade show representatives we will hear from Anne Kresta on partnering with neurodiverse clients to break down barriers
for success in the workplace. After a brief afternoon break we will hear from Occupational Therapists, Ashlyn Bohonos and Tanya Neuert about Neurodiversity and Workplace
Accommodations. We will end the day with Winnipeg born Comedian and Writer, Jordan Welwood.

2025 TimeTable
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Who Should Attend?

  • case managers and rehabilitation consultants
  • members of the medical and health care communities
  • employers and unions
  • human resource professionals
  • social workers

CCRC, CVRP and RRP credits are available for attendance at the conference. Proof of attendance certificates will be available upon request.